What is "Only YES"?
“Only YES” is a mobile game, provided by SMS channel. The main feature of the game is its time limit and answer format. Users get various questions with "answer" and should confirm if shown answer is correct or not. And it is required users to answer only to the questions which answer is YES. If user will answer NO, it will be accepted as wrong action. Besides, users should answer to the questions only in 1 minute. Late answers will not be accepted. The game is not providing to the users only joy, but prizes as well.
The game access is given on daily subscription and users get 150 points for each paid subscription day. Additionally, each correct answer gives to the user 50 points. And users who collect more than everyone points during the month get the prizes.

How to participate?
All subscribers of the Mobiuz Operator can participate in the quiz. In order to take part in the game, participants need to send an SMS message with the command YES to the short number 2303 or dial *2303#.
Subscribers are also given the opportunity to join the service through the faqatha.uz portal. In this case, the subscriber must enter his mobile phone number in a special field and confirm that he/she accepts the service’s terms and conditions.
In response to his subscription request, the subscriber receives a free welcome SMS message with a link to the service, as well as about the rules of the quiz and subscription.
How to play the game?
After activating the subscription, the subscriber needs to send the command START to 2303 short number to start to get questions. The command can be sent only one time and after sending the command, all questions for that day (maximum 15, minimum 5 questions) will be sent continuously giving 1 minute time for each question’s answer. Users should answer the question only in case the question’s answer is YES. The sent question will include “answer” also and the user should confirm that answer with the message "YES", only in case if the shown answer is correct. If the answer is not correct, user should keep silent and not send the response to the question. If the user doesn’t answer with NO in the given time frame – 1 minute, the system will accept it as a correct answer and give the user deserved points. Late answers – answers sent after 1 minute will not be accepted.
What is the language of the game?
The quiz is provided in Uzbek (main language, default language) and Russian (language of the Subscriber's choice). To change the language of the quiz to Russian, the subscriber must send the keyword - RU to the short number 2303. To return to the Uzbek language, the user must send the keyword - UZ to the short number 2303.
How the points are collected?
Participants of the Quiz are given 150 points for each paid subscription day by full price. Also, subscribers gain 50 points for each correct answer.
If the user does not have enough on his / her balance for the full price, he / she will be charged by lower amount and receive less questions and points in accordance with the amount of the accrued payment:
1500 UZS – 150 points; 15 questions
1000 UZS – 100 points; 10 questions
500 UZS – 50 points; 5 questions
If, after subscribing to the service, the user always will pay full price, he / she will double his / her points according to successful invoice collection days count:
• For 15 consecutive and successfully paid full-price subscriptions, the subscriber receives an additional 1 500 points.
• For 1 month - 28/30/31 consecutive and successfully paid full-price subscriptions days, the subscriber receives an additional 3 500 points.
How long the Game will continue?
The “Only YES” will be available from 01/04/2022. Any change in quiz period will be announced on: www.faqatha.uz
How to win?
User can play every day, collect points for correct answers, for paid subscription days and get more and more points for 3, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 50 consecutive and successfully paid full-price subscription days.
Each month 3 winners are selected based on the results of the last month. The winners are the participants of the quiz with the highest number of points for all month. The overall rating of each Participant is made up of the points received (for daily payment, for correct answers and for 3, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 50 consecutive paid full-price subscription days).
How many prizes will be awarded?
The following prizes will be awarded to the winners of the quiz:
Monthly Prize:
I place: 10 000 000 UZS
II place: 3 000 000 UZS
III place: 2 000 000 UZS
How many prizes can be won by 1 user?
Prizes are drawn on a monthly basis. A monthly prize can be won by one participant only once within 1 year.
How are the prizes awarded?
We will contact the winner and inform about the delivery process . Prizes are not delivered; the winner will receive its prize in our office; or in a place designated by us.
How should be the subscription activated?
User should send one of these commands – 1, YES, DA, HA by SMS to the short number 2303 to activate the participation in the quiz “Only YES”.
How much does the service cost?
The service fee is 1500 UZS (including VAT) for 1 subscription day.
If the user does not have enough on his / her balance for the full price, he / she will be charged by lower amount and receive less questions and points in accordance with the amount of the accrued payment:
1500 UZS – 150 points; 15 questions
1000 UZS – 100 points; 10 questions
500 UZS – 50 points; 5 questions
If the user's balance is insufficient for the daily subscription, his / her access to the service will be blocked until the next successful payment.
Are the messages recieved from 2303 paid?
No, all messages received from the short number 2303 are free of charge.
How to check collected points?
You can receive information about your current points by sending the keyword "INFO" to the short number 2303.
Are the points lost while unsubscription?
No, your points will remain until the end of the quiz. However, if you stop participating, other participants may score more points.
Will I get points for incorrect answers?
No, you will not receive points for incorrect answers.
Who can not join to the Game?
Legal entities that are Subscribers under a mobile communication service agreement with the Operator cannot become Participants of the Quiz.
All employees of the Operator and the Content Provider and their relatives in the first order of kinship (parents, children, siblings and half-brothers, sisters, spouses), as well as persons who maintain commercial relations as commercial representatives, agents and / or distributors of the Operator and the Content Provider or affiliates, as well as companies hired by the Operator and the Content Provider to implement this quiz, and their employees.
In the case that any of these people will participate in the quiz and will be the winner, then the corresponding prize will not be awarded to him in any case, but will go to the participant who meets the requirements and took the next place.
How can I stop my subscription?
To deactivate the service, it should be sent a free SMS with the word “STOP” to the service number 2303.