How to Play "Only Yes"?
The game access is given on daily subscription and users get 150 points for each paid subscription day. Additionally, each correct answer gives to the user 50 points. And users who collect more than everyone points during the month get the prizes.

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Send SMS or dial USSD
To join to the quiz "Only YES", send YES to 2303 or dial *2303#. You will get SMS response to your request as well as instruction helping you to use a service.
Be Sure that you have enough balance
The service full price is 1500 UZS per day. If user will not have in its balance this amount, he/she will be charged by less amounts - 1000 or 500 UZS and he/she will get less questions and points for paid amount. Therefore please, be sure that you have minimum 500 UZS in your balance to be able to use the service.
Send START to play
You can send START to 2303 anytime when you are ready to play and get questions. Don't forget, you have only 1 minute to answer to each question and it means that the daily game will continue just for 15 minutes. So have that 15 minutes time in your time for the Game and send START to get a qeustions.
Contorl your score
You will get 50 points for each your correct answer and minimum 50 points for daily subscription fee. You can check your score anytime sending INFO to 2303.
Don't forget: if you will stop game, others can collect more points and be winner.